Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Danny had warned me that Fed-Ex was bringing another box...

I feel like that I’m pretty prepared now for most anything. The boxes of buckshot in the mailbox that outweigh a small child; then the ten pounds of gunpowder on the front porch at the height of the summer heat was pretty good.

I am convinced that he is paying the UPS man under the table because even he tries to hide Danny’s packages from me…if the garage door is open he slips into the garage and puts the new reloading supplies right by the re-loader.

But, today. Oh, internets, today takes the cake. Who do you know that receives a stuffed bird from Fed-Ex? My bet is NO ONE.
And his only response to me…don’t let the cats get it....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ya'll are so funny. don't ever piss him off...sounds like he has an arsenal!jk